New Pest Alert
Viburnum Leaf Beetle (VLB)
- VLB only affects viburnums and most commonly arrowwood viburnums.
- VLB is a fairly new pest to southeastern Wisconsin.
- VLB feed on the green tissue between the veins of the plants, causing them to skeletonize. This is similar to damage caused by Japanese beetles.
- VLB begin to feed in late June/early July.
- VLB can be treated with soil insecticide or multiple foliar sprays.
Boxwood Leafminers
- Boxwood leafminers feed on the tissue between the upper and lower layers of the leaves.
- Boxwood leafminers overwinter in the leaves of the boxwood and feed on the leaf tissue as the weather becomes warmer.
- Infested leaves will become yellow and smaller than a normal leaf.
- Boxwood leafminers can be treated with a soil insecticide or multiple foliar sprays.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF)
- There was a confirmed case of RMSF in La Crosse, Wisconsin in July 2018.
- RMSF is a bacterial disease that is spread by tick bites.
- RMSF is most commonly spread by the American dog tick or wood tick.
Lone Star Tick
- Lone Star ticks are more aggressive han other ticks, meaning they often actively pursue animals/humans for a blood meal.
- If you see a Lone Star tick please contact the University of Wisconsin Department of Entomology.